Construction progress 14.06
By the end of the construction process, there is not much time left. Standard One gets new features.
The painting the facade works is almost completed. Frame Installation of the fence of balconies from 3 to 24 floor is fully completed.
Renovation works are ongoing on all floors, the process of installation of furniture and tension ceilings continues.
We are actively working on the development of the adjoining territory: a preparatory layer
was made from the entrance groups and under the playground, a foundation was laid for the passage of the fire truck in front of sections A and B. Work on greening the territory around the house has begun.
We are glad to announce that one more partner has joined us - TM Sushi Master, the company has started preparing a new restaurant. Waiting for the opening soon.
Have you seen our wonderful hall? Visit us for delicious coffee and evaluate contemporary design and quality of materials. Details by phone 044 222 22 20.