Construction progress of S1 TERMINAL. September 2020
The first month of autumn flew by very quickly, but for us it was very productive, because the following was done on the site:
We have 100% completed the horizontal waterproofing of the pit, with an area of 1200 sq. M .;
100% completed the concrete preparation of the protective layer of waterproofing, 50 mm high and an area of 1200 square meters;
Work has begun on the implementation of vertical waterproofing of the pit - completed by 20% (200 sq. M.)
80% completed monolithic work on the -1 floor (210 cubic meters)
A drainage system has been completed by 80%, which will protect our foundation from contact with moisture and rapid destruction, increase the stability of the soil, and reduce its frost expansion.
At the moment, minor works are being performed related to buttresses. 26 piles were drilled. Reinforcement has begun, it is necessary in order to give the concrete elasticity, because over time, under the influence of many factors, it can crack and crumble.
S1 Terminal ready on 11%.
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