All apartments are insured in "AXA Insurance"
The Standard One team is pleased to announce the signing of an agreement on cooperation with the insurance company "AXA Insurance", which is the leader among all Ukrainian insurance companies in terms of disbursements.
AXA is an international financial company with its headquarters in Paris, which has been active in the fields of investment banking, securities, insurance and other financial services since 1817. AXA Group is mainly represented in Europe, North America, the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East.
Thus, the design and communication of the apartment, as well as interior decoration - doors, windows, furniture, household appliances, interior items, clothes will be protected. Insurance is made for the first year of operation of the house, but can be extended at the request of the owner of the apartment.
No trouble is terrible for residents of S1, because all apartments are under protection from insurance risks. Insurance is made for the first year operation of the house, but can be extended at the request of the owner of the apartment.
For more information, please contact Buro S1 at: st. Vasylkivska, 100A